Carlton Hill Freshers Events

Posted 1 month ago

Freshers Events Calendar for Carlton Hill!

Unipol event: Welcome Party

Sunday 15th September, 1pm to 4pm

Carlton Hill Lobby and Courtyard

Free food & drinks

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Games Night

Sunday 15th September, 5pm to 7pm

Carlton Hill Central Lounge

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Free Fish and Chips

Sunday 22nd September in Carlton Hill Courtyard

Block A & B: 12-1pm

Block C & D: 1 - 2pm

This event is first come first serve and students will need to arrive at the right timeslot.

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Mandatory Carlton Hill Welcome Talk & Welcome BBQ

Wednesday 25th September, arrive at 6.30pm

Conference Auditorium 1

Mandatory welcome talk followed by BBQ in the Courtyard at Carlton Hill. Welcome Talk Attendance required to get free food.

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Unipol event: trip to IKEA

Friday 27th September

Meet at Parkinson Building Steps at 12pm. Return by 4pm.

Bus trip to IKEA for new students.

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Pony Visit

Friday 04th October, 2pm to 4pm

Carlton Hill Courtyard

Come along to pet and interact with some miniature horses!

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