LGBTQ+ student life in Leeds: Help & Support

Posted 9 months ago

The University have a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime

The University and LUU have a zero-tolerance approach to hate crimes, sexual violence and harassment.

Report & Support

You can report a crime anonymously to the Report and Support service. If you experience or witness an incident of concern, you can tell them through a disclosure form on their website. You can share what has happened anonymously or provide your contact details.


Report a hate crime

You can also report a hate crime to a scheme made up of Leeds City Council, West Yorkshire Police and Stop Hate UK.  When you report a hate crime, they will ask you:

-              when and where the incident happened

-              details of any witnesses

-              anything that would help us identify the person who targeted you

-              whether the person that targeted you is under 18

Find out more here or report a hate crime to the local council here.

LGBT Switchboard

Talk in confidence to the switchboard about anything that is on your mind. They are on the phone from 10am-10pm.

Telephone number: 0300 330 0630

LUU Advice

Come and find the Help and Support team in the Union Foyer for private, expert advice.

Opening times during term time:

Monday – Friday | 9am – 6pm

Saturday – Sunday | 10am – 6pm

Out of term:

Monday – Friday | 9am – 5pm

Telephone: 0113 3801 400


Yorkshire MESMAC

Yorkshire MESMAC is one of the oldest and largest sexual health organisations in the country. They offer free confidential HIV testing, counselling, and support for individuals and community groups



Telephone: 0113 244 4209

LGBT Foundation

A national charity delivering a wide range of services to lesbian, gay and bisexual and trans (LGBT+) communities.

Call the LGBT Foundation national helpline for advice, support and information about any issue that might be affecting you such as coming out, bullying, relationships or keeping safe. Open 10am-6pm Monday to Friday.

Telephone: 0345 3 30 30 30  




"TransLeeds is a grass roots, peer support organisation that supports and is run by trans, non-binary and gender expansive people in Leeds and the surrounding areas. We run support groups, social events, a binder library, offer advocacy, and provide training. All of our events and support services are open to people under the trans umbrella who are over 18."




Popular with the LGBTQ+ community for mental health support.


Telephone:  0113 271 8277 0113 216 4143 (Punjabi)

LGBT+ Domestic Violence Helpline

Provides confidential support for both you and your family.

Email: and 


Battle Scars

A dedicated, 100% survivor-led and run charity offering local, regional, national as well as international support around self-harm. Those located in Leeds and surrounding areas can access their face-to-face services which run alongside their England-wide phone support, UK-wide virtual support and worldwide online support. 



Reach Out

A charity for those who had to flee their home countries due to fear of discrimination and violence due to their gender identity or sexuality.



Angels of Freedom

They aim to provide visible support for the LGBT+ community, based in the Freedom Quarter area of the city every Friday evening.
