Disabled student life in Leeds
Posted 7 months ago
Thu 11 Jul, 2024 12:07 PM
Campus buildings with accessible toilets
- Astbury Building
- Baines Wing
- Beech Grove House
- Beech Grove Terrace
- Biological Sciences Teaching Labs, Willow Terrace Road
- Blenheim Terrace 11 to 14, 15 and 17
- Botany House (13 to 15 Beech Grove Terrace)
- Bright Beginnings Childcare Centre
- Brotherton Library and Extension
- Careers Centre, Cromer Terrace
- Charles Thackrah Building
- Chemical and Process Engineering
- Chemistry and Chemistry West Block
- Civil Engineering
- Clarendon Building
- Clarendon Place
- Clothworkers' Building: Central, Link, North, South
- Conference Auditorium
- Cromer Terrace Fitness Studio
- Cromer Terrace 29/31
- E C Stoner Building
- Edward Boyle Library
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering
- Emmanuel Centre
- Energy Building
- Esther Simpson Building
- Facilities Directorate Building
- Fairbairn House - Suite A
- Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies
- Finsbury Road Building
- Garstang Building
- Great Hall
- Gryphon Sports Centre, Western Campus
- Hillary Place
- Hyde Terrace 30/32
- Irene Manton Building
- Institute for Transport Studies - 34, 36, 38, 40 University Road
- IT Fairbairn Site
- IT Services
- Laidlaw Library
- L C Miall Building
- Leeds University Union
- Liberty Building, Western Campus
- Lifton Place (33 Clarendon Place)
- Lifton Place 1 to 3 and 5 to 7
- LIGHT Building
- Lyddon Terrace 18, 20, 22, 24, 26
- Marjorie and Arnold Ziff Building
- Maths/Earth and Environment
- Maurice Keyworth Building, Western Campus
- Mechanical Engineering
- Michael Marks Building
- Michael Sadler Building
- National Centre for Atmospheric Science Annex
- Newlyn Building
- Nexus
- Parkinson Building
- PCI and stage@leeds
- Priestley Building
- Psychology (37 and 41 University Road)
- Refectory (University House)
- Roger Stevens Building
- School of English - 6, 8, 10 Cavendish Road
- School of Food Science and Nutrition (with Stead House)
- School of Music and Clothworkers' Centenary Concert Hall
- Sir William Henry Bragg Building
- Social Sciences Building
- Springfield Mount 4, 7, 9
- Storm Jameson Court West (Charles Morris Hall)
- St Wilfrid’s Chapel, Western Campus
- The Edge
- 28 University Road
- Western Lecture Theatre Building, Western Campus
- Willow Terrace Road 5, 7,
- Woodhouse Lane 155, 157, 175, 177
- Worsley Building