Posted 7 months ago
Sun 14 Jul, 2024 12:07 PM
There’s an accessible, step-free, North-South Campus Access Route (NSCAR) that runs from the Parkinson building to the Worsley building. The path includes an internal corridor, known as the Red Route, which involves the use of lifts in some places.
The University of Leeds Campus Map contains the accessible route, and location of accessible toilets and disabled building access.
Zoom in on our map to find the internal and external sections of the NSCAR, the location of step-free paths, accessible entrances, and accessible toilets.
A large print version of the map index is available to download below.
A key fob (electric unlocking device) is required to access the red route out of hours (6:30 pm - 7:30 am) and during weekends.
If you need to use the Red Route outside working hours you can request a key fob by completing an application form and handing it in, along with your student ID, to the address on the form.