Posted 9 months ago
Sat 01 Jun, 2024 12:06 PM
I work with the Residence Life team, providing support to the Cityside community.
Please do join me at the Warden welcome events on Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th Sep 2024, to meet the team and hear all about life at Cityside. It’ll be a great chance to meet people and understand how things work.
We understand that at times through the year, you may need support, or want to ask a question.
More info can be found on the posters in your kitchen and online on how to get in touch.
The site team and I co-ordinate social events for you to enjoy. In the past, we’ve arranged welcome socials, movie nights, bowling, murder mystery evenings, Pokémon hunts, themed food events, and a Festive Extravaganza which will be happening on Tuesday 10 Dec (be sure to save the date!)
We would love for you to get involved in this too as a member of the Residence Life Social Committee and flex those creative skills to deliver an incredible year of events. We’re always keen to try something new and ensure our events are inclusive.
I’m usually at reception each Wednesday during term time between 5pm & 6pm, where you can drop in for a chat.
At any other time, please email me and we could arrange to meet.
You may hear from me throughout the year – either updating everyone on something important, or if I need to speak to you about an incident or welfare concern.
Some advice to enjoy your year and avoid some of the issues I encounter at Cityside is:
- Get involved! Speak to the team, your neighbours, and consider societies outside of your faculty, and the Residence Life Social Committee.
- Respect the communal areas of your flat, namely the kitchen! – help keep them clean and tidy.
- Consider shopping and cooking together to get to know people and help share the costs.
- It might get noisy – I do hope it doesn’t, but please respect the site team or Residence Life Assistants if they visit you.
- Please talk – to me or each other, most problems can be resolved with a friendly chat. Please do it sooner rather than later.
- My “day job” for the University is leading Campus Support Services, but I have lots of experience with Residences from my time on campus so far. Please do get in touch if you’re struggling to navigate the University Services & Support networks.
When I’m not at work, you might find me at a local music venue enjoying some live music. I’m afraid one of life’s regrets is that I never picked up a musical instrument, but “never say never”!
I’m lucky (old) enough to say I was there in the 1990’s, and I’ve seen all the acts you’ve probably not heard of, but some I’m sure you will have – ask me about it! Please let me know who you think is the “next big thing” so I can catch them before they make it.
For those early arrivals to the Residence, we will be hosting a mixer event on Wednesday 18th Sep 2024, and a Walking tour of the local area and places of interest on Thursday 19th Sep 2024. See you then!
- Michael Longstaff, Warden for CitySide