How to make a comment or complaint

Posted 10 months ago

Fill in the form to submit your feedback

You can use the form below to comment on University accommodation or catering or to make a complaint.

The comments and complaints form is available at all catering outlets, at residential sites and online. We will send you an acknowledgement of any complaint within two working days. We will also tell you who will be looking into your complaint. We will use all comments received to help us make better use of resources, develop good practice and improve our products and services.

If you want to make a complaint please first raise the matter with staff near where the problem occurred - for example at your residence office. If this proves unsatisfactory please complete this form. We will process comments and complaints in accordance with our Customer Service Promise. You can also use this form to make a suggestion or provide feedback on building and fire safety as well as any works that are taking place at your residence.

Please note, you will need your University log in to access this form. If you are wanting to submit a comment or complaint on behalf of someone, please email the address below. Apart from in extraordinary circumstances, we will ask for the written consent of the student concerned before responding to a third party comment or complaint on their behalf. 

For more information about our complaints procedure please contact: 

Residential Services

Facilities Directorate Building

Cloberry Street

University of Leeds



Tel: (0113) 343 6085
