St. Mark's Residence Freshers Events

Posted 1 month ago

Freshers Events Calendar for St Mark's!

Know the Area: Walking Tour

Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September

Meet in St Marks Common Room at 3pm

Walking tour of the area including how to get to campus and useful places nearby.

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Mandatory St Marks Welcome Talk - Postgraduates Only

Wednesday 18th September, arrive at 7pm

The Refectory, Leeds University Union

Mandatory welcome talk with important information followed by free food.

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Outdoor Movie Night

Sunday 22nd September, 6pm to 9pm

Outdoors at St Mark's

Movie screening outdoors for all residents

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Mandatory St Marks Welcome Talk - Undergraduates Only

Tuesday 24th September, arrive at 4pm

Pyramid Theatre, Leeds University Union

Mandatory welcome talk with important information followed by free food.

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Free food!

Thursday 26th September, 4pm to 6.30pm

Outdoors at St Marks

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