Posted 1 year ago
Fri 11 Aug, 2023 12:08 PM
What support is available for harassment
We want to make sure you feel safe and comfortable while living in Residence. Remember, whatever you're going through you're not alone. Violence, abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct and discrimination are never okay. If you experience any incidents of harassment or misconduct while living in halls – you can always reach out to our team, or the University's Harassment and Misconduct team for support.
You can find out more about the Harassment and Misconduct team and how they can help on the University Students website or by watching their video at the top of the page.
If you aren’t ready to speak with the Harassment and Misconduct team, or aren’t sure if they are the right resource for you, you can always speak with an Residence Life Assistant, or your Warden. Residence Life Assistants are on duty from 6pm -8am on week days and 24/7 on weekends. You can speak with them over the phone or in-person. You can reach out to your warden to set up an appointment, or you can stop by their regular office hours to talk. If you need their contact information you can find it under your hall's section on our website!
Residence Life Wardens
All University residences have Residence Life Wardens – members of University teaching or administrative staff, who you can go to during term time for advice or for help sorting out any problems. Residence Life Wardens are also responsible for maintaining discipline at the residence.
Residence Life Wardens at all residences hold advisory sessions during term time. You don’t usually need an appointment for these. To find out which Residence Life Warden(s) look after your residence and when they are available, visit our contacts page and select your residence from the drop down menu.
If you can't attend an advisory session, email your Residence Life Warden or leave a note with the residence office or with us at Accommodation Services.
Do speak to your Residence Life Warden if you are having particular accommodation problems (eg noisy neighbours). They can only apply fines or warnings if you tell them about the problem.
Residence Life Assistants
Most residences also have Residence Life Assistants (usually second or third year undergraduate students), who live on-site. This means in term-time there's someone on hand 24 hours a day in case of emergencies.
Residence Life Assistants are students of the University of Leeds who, under the direction of the Residence Life Wardens, are responsible for maintaining discipline and offering pastoral care for other students in residence.
They provide a responsible presence and help to create a positive living environment by protecting your right to sleep, study and be safe in your accommodation.
You can speak to your Residence Life Assistants on any issues affecting your wellbeing – homesickness, a noisy neighbour, a row with your flatmates, or anything else. There's a Residence Life Assistant on duty every weekday evening and on the weekends, so there's always someone you can call on for support or advice. To find your Residence Life Assistant, visit our contact pages and select your residence from the drop down menu.