Sentinel Towers Freshers Events

Posted 1 month ago

Freshers Events Calendar for Sentinel Towers!

Move-in: Free Sandwiches & Cake

Saturday 14th, Sunday 15th, Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September from 12pm

Sentinel Towers Common Room

Free food and hot drinks for students moving into Sentinel Towers and those accompanying them

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Quiz night & Pizza

Monday 16th September, 6.30pm

Sentinel Towers Common Room

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Quiz night & Pizza

Monday 23rd September, 6.30pm

Sentinel Towers Common Room

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Mandatory Sentinel Towers Welcome Talk

Tuesday 24th September, 6pm to 7pm

Rupert Beckett Lecture Theatre, Michael Sadler Building

Mandatory talk starting at 6pm to welcome students to Sentinel Towers and explain the activities opportunities and support available.

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Walking Tour of Leeds City Centre

Wednesday 25th September

6pm, Meet at Sentinel Towers Reception

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Welcome BBQ

Friday 27th September, 6.30pm to 9pm

Outdoors at Sentinel Towers

Free Welcome BBQ including hotdogs and burgers.

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Free ice cream

Saturday 28th September, 2pm to 4pm

Outdoors at Sentinel Towers

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