Disabled student life in Leeds

Posted 1 month ago

Accessibility on campus

Buildings access

If a building has a designated disabled access which is separate to the main entrance this will be listed at the top of the building’s entry in the A-Z of campus buildings.

Parkinson Building

There are handrails and a central balustrade on the steps of the Parkinson building’s iconic main entrance, next to which is the elegantly designed wheelchair-accessible lift tower.

Sensory Garden 

On the grounds of Charles Morris Hall (CMH) there’s a wheelchair-accessible sensory garden with tactile plants that were specially selected to create a tranquil environment with calming scents and sounds for people on the autism spectrum, and year-round enjoyment for everyone. 

Braille and large print guidebooks for visually impaired and blind visitors are available upon request at reception in CMH.

a group of people in front of a garden


All cafés on campus are wheelchair accessible. All cafés with fixed furniture have a section with movable tables and chairs.  Most cafés on campus have automatic doors but those that don’t will have a door propped open. Likewise, most counters and payment points are at wheelchair-accessible height, where this isn’t the case staff are happy to assist.

Old Bar

Wheelchair accessible via a lift, large accessible toilet, moveable tables and chairs. The bar has large screens for matches and hosts small events such as gigs; therefore, the noise levels may be problematic for some people during these busy events.