Warden Welcome: Claire Zupnik and Lyndsey Gregory

Posted 9 months ago

Welcome to Central Village and to the University of Leeds

Hello, and welcome to Central Village and to the University of Leeds! Our names are Claire Zupnik and Lyndsey Gregory, and we are your Residence Life Wardens at Central Village.

We are both members of staff at the University, and Claire works at the University’s International Office.

A Leeds Alumna herself, Claire loved studying History here and has never left the city since graduation! She's often to be found exploring the diverse and ever-developing city's food and drink scene, making arts and crafts and discovering new bits of the amazing county of Yorkshire.

Lyndsey studied for five years at the University of Leeds, completing undergraduate and Masters degrees in Classics. She enjoys reading and going to the seaside. Lyndsey now works within Estate Services at the University, looking after maintenance of buildings across campus.

As Wardens, our role is to help every resident make the most of their time at Central Village, and to ensure that you are safe, happy and supported in your environment here. We do this by supporting you with any issues relating to your wellbeing and, where necessary, dealing with disciplinary matters. We are assisted by our team of four Residence Life Assistants (RLAs), who all live on site. They can be contacted for help and advice when on duty in term-time on 07852 915 778.

Do get in touch if you have any questions or problems whilst living in Central Village, and we will be happy to assist you. You can contact us at any time via email: CentralVillageWardens@leeds.ac.uk or via our colleagues in the Site Management team at our site's Reception.

This year, we are looking forward to working closely with the soon-to-be-elected Central Village Residence Life Social Committee for 2024-25 (to be chosen in October 2024.) The Committee organise Central Village's social events throughout the year. If you are interested in joining our team, let us know; it’s a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in the community at Central Village! Previous successful events we've held include games nights, cinema trips, arts & crafts, Guide Dog visits, Exam Breakfasts, sports tournaments, pizza nights, animal mini farms, Christmas Balls and our famous December Festive Fayre - which is happening again on Tuesday 10th December 2024 - save the date!

Our Residence Life UniBuddy community provides an online forum for you to receive updates from Residence Life, and connect with your fellow residents of Central Village. To join your group, check your emails from the accommodation team to access the invite link. 

You can also follow the University's Residence Life on Instagram!

We will see you all soon during move-in, and at the Central Village Welcome Talk in September 2024. There is much to look forward to here in Leeds as you start your University life, and we look forward to welcoming you!

Best wishes for the remainder of the holidays, and see you all soon at Central Village.

Claire and Lyndsey