Posted 1 year ago
Thu 27 Jul, 2023 12:07 PM
Recycling plays a crucial role in waste management, by reducing the volume of waste in landfills, and conserving energy and valuable resources. It also keeps things tidy, it's good for the planet and your wellbeing. In our accommodations, we're trying to make recycling as easy as possible by maintaining a robust bin system. Here's how to follow that system by understanding what items can and cannot be recycled and how best to do so.
How it works in accommodation
Depending on which halls you live in, there may be slightly different arrangements for recycling and waste. Read on for info on how it works in University of Leeds owned and managed halls. If you live in one of our private partner sites, speak to your site team to find out how recycling works in your halls.
In University of Leeds owned and managed we have tried to keep the system simple but effective:
- We provide three bins in all of our accommodations: dry mixed recycling (card, metal, paper & plastic), glass recycling, and general waste. It's important to avoid contaminating the recycling bins because it may mean the entire contents then must go to general waste instead. Contamination occurs by disposing of items in the wrong bin or items that can't be recycled. For example, pizza/takeaway boxes stained with food can't be recycled and will in fact affect the recycling process for other items.
- There are recycling guidelines displayed on bin tags and posters throughout your accommodation. Look out for these for quick guidance.
- On-site staff are available to help students with any recycling-related inquiries. Head to your reception area or contact them through email if you have any questions.
- All of our University-owned halls also have British Heart Foundation collection banks, which will accept clothing, small electricals, and household items. Some partner sites also have similar collection banks or you can seek out charity shops and various other sites across Leeds if yours doesn't have one.
- For additional information on waste and recycling services in University accommodation and on campus, check out the A-Z Recycling Guide.
General recycling tips
Watch the video below to get the lowdown on how you can successfully recycle your items:
How to recycle correctly