Posted 4 months ago
Tue 01 Oct, 2024 12:10 AM
If you discover a fire
If you know there is a fire then ring the fire brigade on 999 and University Security Services on (+44) 0113 343 2222 (emergency number).
If the fire alarm sounds
Always assume it's for real. Evacuate the building immediately* and go directly to the assembly point.
Full instructions are on the back of your room door. Make sure you’re familiar with these, so you know what to do in an emergency.
Don't use the lifts. Remember to tell a member of staff that the fire alarm is sounding.
Don’t return to your room until a Fire Officer, University Security Officer, member of residence staff, Residence Life Warden or Residence Life Assistant gives you permission.
There may be a delay between the silencing of the alarm and the instruction to return to your flat to allow safety checks to be carried out.
Unfortunately, sometimes the fire alarm is activated by someone deliberately breaking the glass of a call point without reason. This is a criminal offence. Anyone who activates the fire alarm without good reason will be fined.
Evacuation of buildings is extremely disruptive and we need to minimise this. You can expect to pay a fine if a fire alarm or smoke detector goes off because of irresponsible behaviour, such as leaving the kitchen door open whilst cooking, or leaving the cooker on or unattended.
Students in wheelchairs are provided with a Personal Emergency Egress Plan (PEEP) when they arrive at University.
*There are different fire alarm processes at Carlton Hill, please check the fire notices on site or the Unipol website for more information if you live here.